With the summer heat often come associated sandstorms which can trigger health problems such as asthma. Therefore, knowing how to control your asthma during sandstorms can provide asthmatics with a better quality of life. The following tips can help you survive the sandstorm season:
Stay Indoors – Stay indoors as much as possible during sandstorms and keep windows and doors closed. Reduce exposure to common allergens during sandstorms that may provoke asthmatic attacks.
Check weather and pollution forecasts – It is recommended that asthmatics regularly check daily weather and air quality reports, especially during the sandstorm season. Tuning in to your local weather station can help you plan ahead and manage daily activities.
Clean air conditioner vents – Living in a hot climate country means we are indoors more often and use air-conditioning regularly. Dust collection in air conditioning vents can be a harmful trigger if not cleaned and checked regularly. Air conditioning units need to regularly maintained and cleaned every six months to avoid an accumulation of dust in ducts and vents
Use an air-purifier – Sandstorms affect allergy and asthma sufferers the most. An air purifier can help reduce indoor pollution and help you breathe better. Although air purifiers are by no means a cure for asthma, they help to remove the allergens and particles which can trigger symptoms by directing air through a filter. If you are asthmatic, an air purifier can help you breathe more easily by improving indoor air quality.
Consider wearing a face mask if your outdoors – Consider wearing a medical face mask or use a wet towel during sandstorms to prevent inhaling the dust particles. Do not forget to regularly hange face masks.
Stay hydrated– Fluids, especially water, are just as important during sandstorms. Remember to keep hydrated or even spray water on your face and eyes if you come in direct contact with dust.