By Sundari Ma
- The great sages across many lands, cultures and traditions extolled the virtues of meditation and various contemplative prayer practices. None of them had smartphones.
We are living in an era of instant communication and entertainment. Our minds are constantly influenced by digital information and subjected to the predation of internet algorithms working subconsciously. These types of stresses today were almost inconceivable only a few generations ago.
This, and perhaps more challenging is the steady exposure to conflict and the violent suffering of others through images and videos. These shock the mind and break the heart, numbing us as people. Much of the loneliness, anxiety and depression we are afflicted with today is often because, at a profound level, we are overwhelmed by a world that is complex and fast-paced.
The perennial remedy, the techniques and practices the sages proposed as a path to profound well-being are simply unworkable in this era without guidance and support. Many people find it difficult to establish deep meditative practices on their own, and easily give up. Meditation is nothing for me, it’s so boring; the voice of the teacher on YouTube annoys me; I can’t get beyond my thoughts when I close my eyes, they even intensify, are statements I hear regularly from those reaching out for the first time.
Clarity of mind and openness of heart were difficult enough in the era of the great sages, where then to even begin in this present era?
Do not be discouraged if you’ve tried meditation DIY-style and it’s not working. Of course, it’s not working! You live in 2024, and likely not in a cave in the mountains. You just need to find the right environment for a meditation retreat, the right practices and the right teacher.
Here then is where the less common and more energetic practices become so very timely. It is perhaps why ancient traditions like classical Tantra are experiencing such a resurgence. With its practices aimed at embodied liberation, it is designed for people in the world with busy lives who have jobs and families. It embraces every aspect of the human experience, any religious background or none at all and recognizes divinity in the whole of existence.
Not only is Tantra enjoying a revival, also lesser-known schools of Buddhism, Sufism and various other esoteric teachings and techniques are beginning to make their way into the mainstream of Western culture.
Much like the thousand-year-old yogic movements known as asanas (one of the eight limbs of classical Yoga) that took the Western world by storm in the last few decades, the important work of tantric teachers has begun to surface and will surely find broad-based acceptance in the years to come as its potential becomes known.
What distinguishes the tantric approach to meditation is the possibility of a heart-based connection between an awakened teacher and a devoted student. This very special bond carries with it immense power capable of awakening the numbed heart and pulling the 21st mind through its turbulence into the silky waters of deep meditative states. It is from these deeper states of meditation that the student can truly be open to the work of inner transformation.
Significantly more impactful is when many are gathered in the same physical space around the teacher in the format of a weekend event or retreat. This creates a very special environment where even someone who has tried and failed meditation many times, can instantly find themselves transported deep within themselves.
In these settings, even novice students often experience a rapid and dynamic acceleration of their unfolding. Where people who once thought meditation was impossible for them are suddenly taken beyond time and space, beyond the chatter of the mind.
The tantric sages were pointing towards a portal and the immersions can help us reach this place. Because it is there, deep inside each of us, where the profound joy, mystery and wonder of our own life begins to reveal itself. The very magic of our existence and the source of all love, creativity, and healing, is right there within reach for all of us.
A weekend meditative immersion is a spa retreat for the soul and a dip into the freshest pool of our elan vital, the vitality of our being.
How to Prepare for a Tantric Workshop?
- Focus on live retreats or online offerings with a qualified teacher.
- Connect with the teacher and/or his team/assistants in advance and see if you feel resonance on the level of the heart.
- It’s advisable to shift to a light, vegetarian diet a few weeks before the event to prepare the body and the mind for the energetic work.
- Expect the unexpected and be open to new experiences. The more you let go of ideas and expectations, the more you will enjoy the ride.
- Set an intention for yourself and take some time to reflect on the areas in your life where you want to invite transformation.
About the Author: Sundari Ma
As a spiritual teacher, Sundari Ma enlivens well-known yogic traditions and lineages with a contemporary, feminine approach, offering online and in-person workshops designed around the challenges of modern life.
Her mission is to facilitate the spiritual unfolding in people from all walks of life and religious or non-religious backgrounds.
Find out more:
Instagram: @sundari_ma