Health Trends

health-trendsHealth Brings You Tips on how to safeguard your health and general well-being.


The ultimate immunity booster, honey contains both antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties that can help boost the digestive system. Try including honey with a splash of lemon and hot water or squeezing the juice over your fresh salads for a tasty substitute for vinaigrette.


Power packed with protein, hummus is a complex carbohydrate that provides time released energy that won’t trigger a jump in blood sugar levels. It fills you up and keeps you satisfied for long.
Be creative and use it in your children’s sandwiches or as a spread on top of cooked chicken.

Philip Stein launches unique ‘Horizon Sport’ bracelet

With consumers becoming increasingly aware of the importance of leading a fitter lifestyle, the latest from the house of Philip Stein is the Horizon Sport bracelet which promises users increased energy and improved lifestyle. Fitted with the pioneering natural disc frequency, and based on the unique principle that everything on Earth operates optimally when exposed to natural frequencies, Dambir Chadha, chairman of Precious Times said: “Inside each Philip Stein Horizon Sport Bracelet, the Natural Frequency Disc, acts like a fine-tune antenna harnessing Earth’s beneficial natural frequencies and channeling them to the body, to help you feel more balance, increased energy and improved performance.” He added that the Horizon Sport Bracelet is perfect for everyone, the athlete, the outdoorsman, the fitness enthusiast, or the weekend warrior.

Available at the Philip Stein boutique in the Burj Al Arab for Dhs 820

Egg and Peanut Allergies in Childhood

Recent findings have concluded that having kids eat eggs and peanuts early in life may lessen their risk of developing allergies to these foods later on in life. Researchers analyzed information from around 150 previous studies involving more than 200,000 children. These looked at exactly when specific foods were introduced to children in their first year of life. The results demonstrated that kids who were fed eggs when they were ages 4 to 6 months old were 40 percent less likely to develop an egg allergy, compared with those who were introduced to eggs later on life. Also, kids who were fed food that contained peanuts (such as peanut butter) when they were 4 to 11 months old were 70 percent less likely to develop a peanut allergy. The findings suggest that “introducing egg
and peanut at an early age may prevent the development of egg and peanut allergy, the two most common childhood food allergies,” said the study co-author Dr. Robert Boyle, a pediatric allergy researcher at Imperial College London.


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