Hooked to our cell phones and laptops, many of us are grappling with disrupted sleep or bouts of insomnia. This usually leaves us feeling exhausted, tired, and unproductive the following day; but Dominik Zunkovic, speaker at sleep expo middle east, and founder for whisper discusses the role electromagnetic field waves (EMFS) have on our sleep and what to do about it.
Way over a billion cell phones are produced annually, so it is no surprise that most everyone owns one, if not multiple devices. On top of that, there are TVs, computers, and a range of other electronic devices in practically every living space we inhabit. With the countless benefits they bring, it is easy to forget (or ignore) the risks associated with them. All of these devices emit EMF waves; and in fact, the World Health Organization classifies electromagnetic fields as a Group 2B carcinogen. In addition, EMFs have been frequently linked to other health problems, among them sleep deprivation.
So how do EMFs affect sleep quality? EMFs emit harmful radiation that may seem very “alien-like” to our body. Our bodies don’t understand these types of signals and hence, can build on stress, decrease immunity in our bodies, and increase vulnerability to disease. This harmful radiation disrupts our sleep patterns due to interferences with our brain waves and immune system. With our sleep cycles thrown out of order, we are unable to achieve deep and REM sleep, which we all need for our bodies to re-energize and detoxify.
While switching off the Wi-Fi, bedroom TV, and gadgets at night is the easiest way to get rid of EMFs to get the peaceful sleep we deserve, the reality is, it’s not something that most people would want to do. Thus, the emergence of smart mattresses; these are among the exciting technologies that have emerged from the sleep technology industry.