UAE, August 2, 2017 – The UAE, represented by the Ministry of Health and Prevention, has won the ‘Limitless Business Intelligence Dashboard 2017’ award at the 2017 IBIS Business Intelligence Dashboard Awards organized by Infosol, a leading dashboard software provider in California, USA. Over 100 projects from all over the world entered the competition. This is the first time that a health organization won for two consecutive years. Last year, the Ministry’s Hospital Department grabbed the prestigious ‘Most Valuable Dashboard’ recognition.
H.E. Dr. Yousif Al Serkal, the Ministry’s Assistant Undersecretary for Hospitals Sector, was happy over the Ministry’s victory. Through the integration of the Performance and Clinical Excellence (PaCE) real-time dashboard, the Ministry can fully embrace the future of real-time healthcare delivery. The cutting-edge system will provide easily understood insights, including clinical performance and optimization, to resolve issues. He firmly believed on the use of data, not the creation of data, information management not Information Technology, and a process, which ultimately transform data through information into intelligence and into action.
He added that PaCE real-time dashboards enable increased collaboration and integration of healthcare services, from inpatient to outpatient to homecare, as well as allow for easy access to information via mobile devices and accessibility and visibility of patient data. The real-time healthcare system “will be required to meet the future standards in patient care and experience and remain strong in competitive markets.”
Dr. Kalthoom Al Balooshi, Director of the Hospital Department, said PaCE will serve as a major step in the Ministry’s effort to shift to real-time, live data from static reports. This will result in improved performance analysis, thanks to the system’s visualization abilities to complement raw data, which alone is insufficient in identifying and tracing all irregularities. She said PaCE real-time dashboards are designed to help in hospital monitoring to determine available beds, staff rotation, admission, planning and inlier/outlier analysis, patient level mortality, length of stay, waiting time, and readmission analysis at difference hospital levels.
PaCE real-time dashboards will enable the Ministry-run hospitals to provide better health support; achieve critical business goals such as improved patient outcomes; increase application performance and availability; comply with security and patient privacy regulations; identify patients with deteriorating health; free up nurses’ time; and help hospitals better plan staff and resource deployment.