Dubai. October 14, 2015 – Mr. Juma Khalifa bin Thalith is a published author of 9 books on the subject of Emirati Heritage. He holds a Sultan Al Owais Award for Innovation, First Place at the country level for his book “Emirates Marine Encyclopaedia”. He is the President of the Heritage Department at the Emirates Diving Association and a researcher and specialist in pearls & diving.
He will be speaking about the local traditions of the original pearl divers of the Emirates. The lecture will be translated by Mr. Nasif Kayed, Managing Director of the SMCCU, and both will be on hand to answer questions after lecture.
The Sheikh Mohammed Centre is keen to bring to life the Emirati Culture through its award winning programs and initiatives. Join us by registering or contact us for more information at 04 -353-6666.
Location: The Lecture will be held at the Jumeirah Majlis, on Jumeirah Beach road, just adjacent to the Jumeirah Mosque.
Please see MAP for location