Getting Back in Shape after the Baby

Post PregnancyA woman’s body changes tremendously during pregnancy and once the baby arrives, many women are left feeling unshapely and matronly. Kris Ng’ang’a, Fitness Manager at   Body & Soul Health Club tells HEALTH how women can get back in shape after their bundle of joy arrives.

The Difficulty

According to Ng’ang’a, the main reason women have a hard time getting back in shape post pregnancy is because most women do not exercise prior to their conception. “They also tend to stop their workout as soon as the announcement of pregnancy by the doctor,” he says.

Timing Is Everything

Doctors, tell Ng’ang’a, recommend to wait at least six weeks. “Normally, when to start exercise after delivery is based on whether or not exercise was done before and during pregnancy,” he says, however if the exercise was done to the end, then one can start exercise as soon as they feel okay. In some cases that would be within days after delivery. However, caution must be exercised. Light training, he adds, is the key, and includes stretches and brisk walks, light cardio or aerobics.

Post Caesarian delivery

The same case applies for a Caesarian delivery, says Ng’ang’a and basically as soon as you feel okay is the key. “However, abdominal stretches and exercises should be avoided,” he says and instead light cardio and pelvic exercises on the floor are recommended.

Post Delivery Workout Tips

Ng’ang’a recommends floor exercise; pelvic stretches and movements, light walking, reclined bike cycling, light yoga or Pilates. “The idea behind post-delivery exercise is not to initially lose weight,” he says. “But instead, recondition the body, increase mobility, strengthen the joints, and increase muscle that was lost during the inactive pregnancy period.”

Steps To Take To Ensure Wellbeing

  • Breast feed: Breast feeding helps to regulate hormones. Breast feeding is the key to fast weight loss.
  • Eat healthy: Being pregnant or having a baby is not an excuse to eat unhealthy, to overeat or to eat junk food. The way we eat is responsible for the way we look.
  • Maintain an active daily routine: Women who just delivered and have recovered after a few days should take every opportunity to move. Take advantage of the many chores that come with the added responsibility. This increases metabolism which in turn allows you to burn more fat.
  • Join a gym: Gym memberships connect you to people with similar situations or who have been there before. Friends can push and motivate you.
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