They’ve stopped wearing eye shadow, their mascara is non-existent and they hide behind glasses just hoping that no one will notice that they’re not quite put together. If our eyes are the windows to our soul, then we certainly want to make sure that they look sensational, not tired, lined or puffy.
So many women have given up on their eyes. They’ve stopped wearing eye shadow, their mascara is non-existent and they hide behind glasses just hoping that no one will notice that they’re not quite put together.
Sagging eyes, puffy eyes, lined eyes, tired eyes and crow’s feet, under eye bags and dark circles tell the world that you have been neglecting yourself but if you follow these tried and true methods, you will see improvement in just days.
1) Eye brows drop with age and facial exercise will stop the downward slide and help to correct the look of tired that makes us look old. Here’s how you can lift your eye brows and brighten your eyes: Relax the brow area, place your three middle fingers directly under the eyebrows. Drop the palms of your hands flat against your face. Push your eyebrows upward and slightly outwards. Hold your eyebrows in this position with your eyes open. Now push your forehead muscle down into the fingertips for a count of five. Repeat three times for a total count of 35; at the 7th second, gently close your eyes.
2) So many men and women display not only dark circles but crows’ feet and wrinkles around the eyes when they smile. Take a look in your mirror, smile and see what you think. Here’s how to further strengthen the delicate eye tissue: First ONLY USE YOUR RING FINGERS when you apply eye treatments and when you perform this exercise. Dot a rich under eye treatment, under your eyes. Begin at the outer edge of both eyes using your ring fingers; bring the fingertips under the eyes now up and around under the brow until a full circle has been made. Continue around the eyes about 100 times making sure that the area remains well lubricated. Now, pick up that mirror and smile. Do you see how the smile lines have dissipated? Do this every day.
3) Everyone knows that sleep is vitally important because that is when the body regenerates itself but younger looking eyes require that you sleep on a higher, firmer pillow to assist the body in alleviating puffiness. And, if you’re drinking adult beverages at night, you’ll want to flush your body with additional water before bedtime so that when you awaken, the telltale signs of wine are not present on your face.
4) Wear sunglasses year round. No matter if you slather sunscreen and wear a broad brimmed hat, your eyes will appreciate the added protection sunglasses provide. Never leave home without them, even if you’re enjoying a cloud covered day. And choose the brands that offer the best protection from penetrating rays.
5) Stop smoking cigarettes. Smoking robs your body of nutrients and smoking especially seems to have a drying effect on our skin. Most people will crinkle their eyes and even make a distasteful grimace when they’re puffing so do what you can to stop this health threatening habit now. You’ll be delighted that you kicked the habit!
6) Eyelashes that appear thin do not enhance your eyes. Rather than resort to chemically laden preparations that purport to grow lashes, you can stimulate the growth of thin lashes every time you wash your hair and your face. Just lather your fingertips with a gentle cleanser then lightly and gently scrub your lashes for about ten seconds. It won’t be long until you see that your lashes and thickening and growing.
7) Curl your eyelashes. A little curl gives a finished look to your face so before you use mascara; crimp those lashes so your eyes appear more open.
Expressive, radiant beautiful eyes can be yours when you spend just a few minutes each day mindfully caring for them. These are little changes that can add up to big rewards.