Friday, February 14, 2025

Women over 50 Staying Healthy



From heart disease to diabetes, despite the rise of certain lifestyle diseases overall, today’s latest medical advances are making it easier to diagnose a disease to help women proactively make required lifestyle changes to live a normal lifestyle.

Diabetes Screening

If your sugar levels have been normal, undergo a diabetes screening test annually. If you have a genetic tendency for diabetes or are overweight, undergo this test more frequently.

Bone Mineral Density Test

Osteoporosis is common in women over 50, and a key symptom is a tendency for bone fractures. If there are signs of early osteoporosis or it runs in the family, a DEXA bone scan can ascertain if she has the disease or is at risk for it.

Cervical Cancer Screening

Every three years, women over 50 need to undergo a Pap test or both a Pap test and an HPV test every five years. However, if there are risk factors such as HIV infection or a previous abnormal screening, she should undergo a Pap test annually.

Breast Cancer Screening

Once a year, women over 50 should have their breasts examined by their gynecologist. This should check for any abnormalities and also, a mammography should be done annually as part of this checkup.

Hypertension & Blood Pressure

For women with typically normal blood pressure, it should be checked at least once annually. If it is at or above 120/80, have it checked more frequently. H

(Credit: Dr. Sanjida Ahmed, cell biologist)

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