Should Teenagers Join a Gym?

Joining in a Gym

Getting fit is a job for everyone. That includes teenagers. But does that mean that they need to join a gym? Teens want to be just as healthy as everyone else. But, as with everyone motivation is a factor.
Should Teenagers Join a GymThere are pros and cons to teens joining a gym. Keep reading to find out both and then make your decision.

When it comes to working out, it is more fun and motivating in groups. When you can bring a friend, both of you can feed off each other and get the work done.

The gym setting can be great for that. Those gyms that offer family memberships allow everyone to unwind from their day and exercise together. Larger gyms do offer these memberships and a wide variety of activities to participate in. Not only are there weight machines but also cardio fitness like treadmills, elliptical machines and stationary bicycles.

Personal training is also a big hit at gyms. For the teen who has never done exercise before or who doesn’t know what to do, a personal trainer can help. They can tailor a program to the needs of someone your teen’s age. Be sure to check to see if they have trainers who are certified to work with young people effectively.

Your child can get individual attention each week to help them combine the right amount of cardio and weights for their health. A personal trainer can also help them to set personal weight loss or fitness goals that they can follow from that point on.

Many gyms have classes. Classroom settings are great because they have done all the thinking for you. For example, if you take a yoga class, your job is to follow the instructor. Depending on your fitness level, he or she will guide your through the moves necessary to achieve success in the class.

Should Teenagers Join a GymGym memberships are expensive. For an individual it can cost around $50 or more. When you throw in a family membership, you are looking at about $100 or more per month. Some families can’t pay that in an effort to allow their teens to work out in a gym. And, contracts are usually for three years. If you decide not to go or get interested in something else, the parents are still paying that fee each month.

Not all gyms are equipped the same. They don’t all have instructors that can teach you how to use the equipment. For a teen, that can lead to walking around looking bored or doing a little but not really staying motivated.

You have to get there to work out. If your teen doesn’t drive, that means that they have to get mom or dad to drop them off. If it is an inconvenient time, then they won’t get to use their membership that much.

Should teens join a gym? If the family is going regularly, then it won’t be much of a stretch to go. How much there is to do will depend on your gym. But, once locked into a contract it will be hard to break if your teen changes their mind later.

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