An overload of homework and studies, combined with an increasing dependence on electronic gadgets for entertainment gives even more incentive to moms out there to prepare healthy, yet delicious school lunches. To make it easier, Dubai-based entrepreneur Sara Ghosn has created her home grown brand ‘Yum in a Box’ to provide nutritious and well-balanced meals to children between 2 to 10 years of age directly to the schools.
The Start
“I was set to change the way children view and consume healthy food and subsequently, turned my back on the corporate world to focus my attention on this passion project through which I hope to tackle the growing rise in child obesity in the UAE. Children are the most receptive and adaptable little beings and it is our duty to instill positive eating habits that reinforce a healthy
relationship with food from the very beginning.”
The Creative Process
“The process is not easy; it all comes down to patience. With so many parents battling with their kids to get them to eat their veggies and other healthy nutrients, we are hoping to simplify the process for moms who are entrusted with the task of constantly finding ways to make food interesting and diverse for their fussy eaters by creating unique recipes and allowing children this experience to grow their taste buds. At the end of the day, we are dealing with children and therefore, every aspect has to answer to their curious, inquisitive, and playful nature – that includes the look and feel of the food itself. We make sure the packaging, food, texture, and colors are appealing enough to get a child to finish his meal.”
How It Works
“We are based on a monthly or termly subscription. Based on the nurseries or schools requirements, we instill a procedure that works best for the both of us. We currently deliver to nurseries and schools we are in partnership with. For the time being, we deliver only in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, but there are definitely plans for growth within the UAE and other countries.”