Why Can’t My Child Remember Anything?


Most of Us assume Children Have strong Memories, so When your Child doesn’t Seem to be able To remember  Much or grasp Concepts, it Can become Worrying For parents. Health talks With clinical Psychologist Maya fleifel Sidani about How to boost Your child’s Memory from The onset.

The Science
During early childhood, everyday adult-child interactions provide the basis for memory development by fostering language development and helping children acquire scripts for common events. Also, memory develops largely through social interaction, and parents and teachers play a critical role in assisting children in developing good memories.

Signs of Memory Loss
Small children tend to remember certain things easily –the name of their favorite cartoon, for example– and others with great difficulty, such as the face of a distant relative they see only once a year. But for some children, day-to-day memory tasks pose a huge challenge. A child with memory weaknesses initially will appear to understand something, yet need to study it again and again. If the difficulty occurs mostly when listening, he may need to have directions explained several times. If it’s more of a visual problem, though, he may quickly forget what he’s read. Sometimes memory difficulties cause problems in all areas.

One Canadian study suggests that one key cause may be an underdeveloped hippocampi which may be attributed to developmental amnesia or low-weight birth. Located on each side of the brain, the two hippocampi play a role in acquiring memories and storing and retrieving spatial information.

The Role of Diet
Epicatechin: According to a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience, it may be possible to boost memory with a plant compound called epicatechin. This chemical compound is found in several foods and drinks such as tea, cocoa, blueberries, and grapes. Research suggests that epicatechin could help spatial memory, especially when combined with an exercise routine.

Consuming antioxidant-rich foods such as apples or apple juice may help reduce problems associated with memory loss, according to research at the University of Massachusetts. The study shows consuming apple juice may improve memory by preventing the loss (due to age) of an essential neurotransmitter called acetylcholine.

Steps to Boost Your Child’s Memory:

  • Setting up routines on a daily basis is good practice for memory development. This establishes predictability, comfort, and healthy expectations.
  • Provide children with opportunities to learn about the world as it contributes significantly to their capacity to remember effectively.
  • Repeating playtime rituals will help a child remember how to play with a particular toy, learn a particular motor skill, and adapt to the environment.
  • It is easier for your child to remember a new skill if it is taught to them several times using short sessions, rather than a few long playtimes.
  • Develop family traditions and encourage rituals that involve reminiscing.
  • Context is very important for a baby’s memory skill. They will recall their surroundings, a song, or a particular game in their short term memory if nothing about it changes or is taken out of context. Alter one aspect and it will not be recognized by a baby even one day later.


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