Is Your Child Becoming a Spoiled Brat?

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare; your well behaved and sweet child has suddenly developed an opinion on everything and wants it his/her way or not at all. Here’s help…

The Parents Role

Remember, children’s love cannot be bought. Parents often pass through this sense of guilt that in order to demonstrate their unconditional love for them and in return to win their child‘s love and adulation, they need to meet all the desires and wants of their children. Also, the negative power of modeling – imitating, is one of the first methods children apply to learn about their world. Therefore, if you demonstrate behaviors and actions that are socially undesirable, it is very likely that your child will model and demonstrate similar behaviors. Lastly, children need to be taught that things they wish to possess need to be earned. Make them an active participant in the decision making and accomplishment process.

Creating Effective Family Rules:

  • Rules hold the family together and create a foundation for learning responsibility, developing mutual respect, and fostering age appropriate independence.
  • Be consistent in adhering to the rules that you form.
  • Whenever possible and appropriate involve children in making the rules as well participating in decision making situations
  • Be specific in telling the children exactly what actions are expected.
  • Talk less, act more.
  • Give positive rewards, feedback and reinforcement for efforts and accomplishments made.
  • Be aware that you are always the role model to a child. They learn by watching and copying you.
  • Demonstrate your love through actions. Display affectionate and caring behavior.
  • Develop routines. It is important for the child to feel the environment in which they are is safe and dependable.
  • Use active listening behaviors (face them and use eye contact as much as possible) and reflect to them what you hear them saying.